Maple Timothy is your low-cost option of increasing fiber in your cow’s diet. Your cows will last longer with better conditioning and have higher fat content in milk.
After many years of declining acres, the acres of timothy seed production are increasing again. Because the life expectancy of a stand is 5-7 years, we can expect a steady and consistent supply of Maple Timothy from the Peace River region.
• Low Potassium:
– Maple Timothy Potassium level below 1%;
– Safe for feeding baby cows, dry cows
and milking cows.
• Non-detectible nitrates levels:
– Most lots of Maple Timothy have
non-detectible levels of nitrates making;
– One of the safest feeds.
• High Palatability:
– Maple Timothy comes from the Peace
Region that is renowned for palatability;
– Higher sugar content.
– Maple Timothy’s increased palatability
and strong fibre when fed at a younger
age increases stomach capacity for
increased milk production in the future.